the expenses were parceled out to members 意味
- 費用は構成員に割り当てられた
- expenses expenses 諸掛かり しょがかり 経費 けいひ 出費 しゅっぴ 失費 しっぴ 支出 ししゅつ 入費 にゅうひ 物入り ものいり 入り目 いりめ
- out 1out n. 《米》 不和; 〔野球〕 アウト. 【形容詞 名詞+】 He's that rare exception: a pitcher
- members members 肢体 したい 構成員 こうせいいん メンバーズ
- out to 《be ~》しきりに~したがる、~をしようと躍起{やっき}になる
- apportion expenses among the members 会員どうしで費用を分担する
- total amount of expenses that were padded 水増しされた金額{きんがく}の合計{ごうけい}
- while you were out memo 伝言メモ◆電話の
- cut out unnecessary expenses 無駄{むだ}な出費{しゅっぴ}を省く
- reckon out the expenses 費用{ひよう}を計算{けいさん}する
- no sooner were the words out of one's mouth than 舌の根も乾かないうちに
- as it were as it were 恰も あたかも 謂わば いわば
- if it were not for (現在の事実に反対の仮定を表して)もし~がなかったら If it were not for her children, I would ask her to marry me. 彼女に子どもがいなかったら、私は彼女に結婚を申し込むだろう。 The man may have been killed if it were not for the police intervention. 警察の介入
- were WERE {略} : where どこ◆インターネット
- were it not for wère it nót for ... ((文))=
- invoice all out-of-pocket expenses to 経費{けいひ}をすべて~に請求{せいきゅう}する
- "the expenses are to be equally divided between…and…" 意味
- "the expenses come under insurance deductions" 意味
- "the expenses for annual upkeep 1" 意味